Fighting for our water future!

We all depend on reliable, clean water at an affordable rate.  Matt Turner is a community advocate fighting for us.  Join the fight for our water future and help elect Matt!

Latest News

Our campaign received a great endorsement from the East Bay Times this week.

" Turner stands out for his passion about environmental issues affecting the district and the need to ensure residents can afford their water — and for his familiarity with details of the district’s policies."


Click HERE for the full story.

Addressing the Challenges

We are at a crossroads of critical decision making.  The future of reliable, clean, affordable water hangs in the balance.  I'm not running for office to sit in a seat.  I have an action plan for day one.


Climate change is upon us.  We must seek new ways to capture, store, and treat our water.  Many capital improvements take decades to implement.  We cannot afford to wait.

  • Expand pilot programs like the Horizontal Levee project with partner agencies to protect against sea level rise, capture and filter stormwater, restore habitat, and improve access to recreation.
  • Increase EBMUD's already extensive clean energy portfolio to prepare for a zero carbon future
  • Assess feasibility of proven technologies that have been successfully implemented around the globe, like stormwater recycling, fog capture, and desalination.


EBMUD only controls a small portion of the watershed that supplies 90% of our drinking water.  It has been badly damaged by wildfires and poor forestry practices.  We must fight to restore this precious resource.

  • Use EBMUD's leverage as the state's second largest water district to change forestry policy in critical watersheds like ours.
  • Secure the long term future of the upper watershed through partnerships with land trusts and expansion of EBMUD's holdings.
  • Promote mixed tree species forestry to enhance our snow pack retention, improve fire resilliency, and prevent soil erosion.


With inflation hitting a 40 year high, and the incredibly high cost of living in the Bay Area, many rate payers are struggling with EBMUD's fixed fees.  We can help those in need.

  • Implement a Zero Tier water rate for our lowest income rate payers that would eliminate fixed fees and allow households to see savings based on water usage.
  • California law now says "every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes."  We must lobby the state to fund this mandate.  SB 222 is promising, but needs support.
  • We need a feasibility study for offsetting ratepayer costs by expanding renewable energy sold to the grid, and other potential revenue streams such as creating green hydrogen for trucking fleets, etc.

Endorsed By

  • Elected Leaders

State Senator:

Bob Weickowski

East Bay Regional Park Director:

Dennis Waespi

Alameda County Supervisors:

Nate Miley

Dave Haubert

City of San Leandro:

Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter

Councilmember Deborah Cox

Hayward City Council:

Aisha Wahab

Mark Salinas

Sara Lamnin

Castro Valley Sanitary District:

Ralph Johnson

Kristy Dooman Woerz

Dave Sadoff

Hayward Area Recreation District:

Paul Hodges

Rick Hatcher

Peter Rosen

Castro Valley School District:

Gary Howard

Michael Kusiak

Oro Loma Sanitary District:

Rita Duncan

Hayward School District:

April Oquenda

Eden Healthcare District:

Roxann Lewis



  • Community Leaders

Parks Recreation and Historical Commission:

Chair Linda Willis

Fairview Municipal Advisory Council: Chris Higgins

Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council:

Shannon Killebrew

Eden Municipal Advisory Council: Tyler Dragoni

Copyright © 2022 Paid for by Turner for EBMUD Director 2022 FPPC # 1454258